Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Internet Is Not the Final Answer

Julie Miller just recently published an excellent column for the Broomfield Enterprise reinforcing the idea that the world wide web does not contain all the resources we need to research our family history.

Step away from the computer and seek out the original documents! That is true research.

This is a fine column worth reading.

Thanks to the New England Historic Genealogical Society e-news for bringing this to my attention.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tennessee Newspapers to be Dgitized

For researchers in Tennessee the good news is that digitized newspapers will be available for research in two years. The even better news is that, often, newspapers published information that crossed the borders. This same work may be useful for Georgia research.

And thanks to Leland Meitzler and his blog, for bringing this article to my attention

Shameless Self Promotion

I am attaching the following article for a couple of reasons:

Primarily, I am showing off. This is a wonderful article about a brilliant genealogist, namely ME.

Secondly, I want to encourage researchers and family historians to share their information. Be sure to find a way to communicate your research and promote input. Fair and honest critiques of research and writing can only serve to improve the end product.

We all need to find ways to get our names out there to share and encourage family history and genealogy.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Document Discovered in Textbook!

Here is yet more proof that historic documents are available and accessible everywhere. We simply need to keep an eye out for them.

A fourth grade school teacher found a document of transfer dated 1792 when she was cleaning up her bookshelves at the end of the year. This is an interesting find, to say the least.

Read more at:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Help Identify the Little Girl Buried in the N. C. Grave

Here is an interesting Story: About 1925 a man, alone buries his little girl in a cemetery owned by the Mormon Church in Hampstead, N. C. The only witness to the burial is a nine year old boy.

With the completion of the burial, the man plants a cedar tree. He pays the boy a quarter to water the tree for seven days. Now, eighty five years later, the tree is the only marker for a young girl who died too soon. And the search is on to find her identity.

Read the article in the Deseret News at:

An interesting article. And, thanks to Eastman's On-line Genealogical Newsletter for bringing this to my attention.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Genealogy Library in Missouri!

Here is more evidence of the growing popularity of Genealogy and Family History Research. the Saint Louis County Library Foundation is in the early stages of fundraising and building a 63,000 square foot Family Heritage Center.

To read more go to:

And thanks to Dick Eastman and Eastman's On-line Genealogy Newsletter for bringing this to my attention.