stories about Dad and his beer usually start by mentioning that after his
service in the Navy he spent a lot of time in the Idaho bars. A favorite hangout was a place called The
Schooner. Although he didn’t have much
of a belly at the time, a joke he used often: he would walk up to the bar,
stick out his stomach as far as he could and tell the bartender “fill it up!”
favorite Dad and beer story happened many years later. When Dad was sick, he had trouble
sleeping. When I came for a visit, I
bought a six pack of LaBatts beer to drink.
Dad had stopped drinking beer, at least twenty years earlier. He claimed he no longer liked the taste of
it. Well Dad was at the table in his
wheelchair, and I was standing next to him, slowly nursing a beer. It seems like the entire family was standing
around joking when my sister across the table noticed Dad drinking my
beer. Before she could say anything, he
chugged the entire bottle! It is good
thing he didn’t like the taste of it!
night, for the first time in a number of months, Mom said he slept like a
baby. After that night we kept a supply
of beer in the refrigerator to help Dad sleep.
I don’t think he ever drank one of them.
But, for a brief time, he was back in The Schooner, “filling it up.”